We have different #60 colors, some people need very more light whiter color for #60,and some others need general color,and more material hair can select.
We have different #60 colors, some people need very more light whiter color for #60,and some others need general color,and more material hair can select.
le human hair is the best quality hair for hair extensions,after dyed color the hair still keep cuticle on it,so it can be used for a long time,very soft and no tangle.
General ratio human hair weft,material from general human hair,ratio about to 4:3:3,with the price of raw materials rising, this is a more competitive ratio.
It is better human hair weft quality,material from better general human hair,ratio about to 4:3:3 or more,the end of hair is not thin,and silky, no tangle.